All the news that is the news in the real estate world. Insider hints and tips. Secrets of buying low and selling high. Foreclosure strategies and more. Check out this months NEWSLETTER!
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Selling High - Always
Why oh why can't people get it? Selling high in the real estate world is as easy as selling high in the stock market. There's really no difference. While we could all buy high and then wait till we're 90, that's not the way that the "insider's" do it. Listen to this mp3 audio file to get more... Click Here
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Keep up the great work and take care till next time.
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Originally licensed in 1987, Mike has always been on the very cutting edge of Real Estate industry changes and developments. One of the very first to set up a bulletin board to view property information in the state of Louisiana, the Louisiana Real Estate Commission demanded that he cease and desist. Now, everyone publishes property info on the web.
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Hello, I found your blog while searching for sell your house information. Your site is informative, but not quite what I was looking for.
I'll have to come back and check it out again sometime soon though.
I'm going to keep searching around for sell your house info. Take care till next time.
Great blog! I just left some words to let you know I came thru.
I have a real estate for sale by owner site and I was poking around for more information on real estate for sale by owner and saw your site along the way.
Keep up the great work and take care till next time.
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